Welcome to the Always Never Right Podcast! We have drinks. We have games. We have sarcasm.
The one where we keep drinking, stop not drinking smoked cocktails, and start 2020 off awesomely. (Release date-02/02/20)
Embarrassingly Educated about Sex. The one where everything and everyone breaks during sex. Special guests- Rebecca & Tim Mullins of The Sexual Blueprint (Release date- 02/09/20)
Why care what other people think? The one where Rexy points out Jill is an awesome “cocktologist”. (Release date- 02/16/20)
Part 2- The one where you shouldn’t be a pansy. They’re fragile. (Release date- 02/23/20)
For Better or for Worse, or for Esoteric or for Ridiculous… The one with the mule wagon wedding. (Release date- 03/01/20)
Podcasting for Amatures…The one where drunk bees are Gina’s mood. (Release date- 03/08/20)
What to do about bad fashion choices. The one with the “hair is everything” epiphany. (Release date- 03/15/20)
The one where we confirmed we are, in fact, judge-y Bitches (Official Release date- 03/22/20).
The one where Rexy makes even Parcheesi dirty. Also featuring Rebecca & Tim Mullins from the Sexual Blueprint podcast. (Release date- 03/29/20)
Please don’t drink and drive!
…Now with more Vodka! The one where we learn how Gina’s husband lost his spleen. (Release date- 04/05/20)
The one where we learn there’s audio (somewhere) of Gina screaming while Jill drives. (Release date- 04/19/20)
The one where we all get mad that anyone could suggest Jill isn’t a good person. (Release date- 04/26/20)
The one T wonders, “What the shit, Jill?” (Release date- 05/03/20)
The one where we judge judge and judge some more. (Release date- 05/10/20)
The one where we find out private jets can be overrated. (Release date- 05/17/20)
The one where Gina’s a fucking jerk (Release date- 05/24/20)
The one where Jon the Brit is more baller than you thought!(Release date- 05/31/20)
The one where Jill will tell you how she got those scars in a knife fight (06/07/20)
The one with the goddess Gates McFadden. (Release date- 06/21/20)
The one with the double secret probation apology tour. (Release date- 06/28/20)
The one with the movie responsible for cyber security measures - for realsies. (Release date- 07/05/20)