
Hey there!

Welcome to the Always Never Right Podcast! We have drinks. We have games. We have sarcasm.

Episode 20 - Girls Night; The apocalypse continues

Episode 20 - Girls Night; The apocalypse continues

The one where  we bring back some old friends and talk about movies.

And of course, as we do, talking about movies includes finding out Tom Hanks is every bit as sweet as you think he is, and Bill Murray makes an excellent wing man. 

What did we drink to celebrate Episode 20?  Well, since we're on the other end of 40, the drink is called "40 is the new 20."  It's delish!!

40 is the new 20

So, really, I try to stay organized but this particular week I wasn’t successful. Usually, each week we semi-plan ahead and we choose which cocktail we’ll make so if we have to supplement our booze stash we can do it. I make a note of our episode number, the topic, and the drink. This round, we knew we would need pomegranate liquor so we got it. That’s how I know this is pomegranate. Other than that, I couldn’t remember what it was right as I was writing this. I failed to make a note, I didn’t write the topic down, and I vaguely remember that we talked about movies. This was a good drink. Yeesh.

NOTE: Gina saved me because she sent me the script from that night. We both knew that it was pomegranate though


  • 3 oz Vodka

  • 3 oz Pomegranate Liquor

  • 3 oz Cranberry juice

  • juice from 1 lemon

  • Lemon wedge

  • Lemon zest


Add pomegranate liquor, vodka, cranberry and lemon juices to cocktail shaker (or pitcher if you are scaling up). Mix well by shaking or stirring. Rub lemon wedge around the edge of the glass. Pour mixture into glass and garnish with lemon zest.

Episode 19 - John Hughes, James Bond & that douchebag Ross from "Friends"

Episode 19 - John Hughes, James Bond & that douchebag Ross from "Friends"