
Hey there!

Welcome to the Always Never Right Podcast! We have drinks. We have games. We have sarcasm.

Episode 56- Kicking the Bucket List

Episode 56- Kicking the Bucket List

The one where Jon the Brit is more baller than you thought!

Ah, the bucket list!  Who doesn’t have one? And if you don’t, why not? Cause these can be FUN!  Of course, we focus more on the “fun” part rather than the “before I die” part, natch. And who thought Jon the Brit would have done something with his younger years other than lose a spleen? <Note: Gina wrote that previous part. I feel like JtB isn’t really surprising us very much at this point- Jill>

Peach Cataclysm

Peaches are basically the fruit of summer. They’re soft, ripe, and in so many ways, very delicate. Like the balance of life and death. Or between fun and panic (think horror movies or roller coasters). Peaches embody everything about the apocalypse that might ever come to pass, while still managing to be alluring and sweet. So before you kick the bucket, try a little tenderness.


  • 2 oz Corsair Ryemageddon

  • 1 oz Peach puree

  • 1/2 oz Simple syrup

  • 1/2 oz Lemon juice

  • Top with Ginger beer


Put everything but ginger beer in shaker with ice. Shake well until chilled. Strain into glass with an ice sphere. Top with Ginger Beer. Enjoy

Episode 57- Proud Mary, Bloody Mary

Episode 57- Proud Mary, Bloody Mary

Episode 55- ChChChChanges!

Episode 55- ChChChChanges!